Dallas for the weekend

Highland Park Presbyterian Church is hosting the leader of International Justice Mission this Sunday so that he can talk about their work which is to seek the freedom of those who have been enslaved in the sex industry. An article this morning from IHT was written on this same topic. Here's an excerpt:
Prostitution is said to be the oldest profession. It exists in all countries, and if some teenage girls are imprisoned in brothels until they die of AIDS, that is seen as tragic but inevitable.

-Nicholas D. Kristoff, IHT

Psalm 82: 3-4
Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;
maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.


jenna said…
At a church leaders' conference last week, I learned about this effort - http://www.callandresponse.com I would love to be able to see this movie but can't travel right now... I wish it were playing at more than 1 theater in Texas!

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