My New Home Sweet Home
Previously on Let All the Earth blog, we announced that Trey and would be finding new blog homes. We both have beefs with this world that we desire to proclaim to an electronic and global audience. We want to be actively involved in changing this world. Additionally, I am starting my own home business making deliciously natural body care products. I am in the process of creating a website solely for my new business but in the meantime, I am taking over Let All the Earth. That's right, starting today, this is my new blog home, Commonsensical Kyrie.
Here, I hope to sort through some issues I am passionate about--building awareness and sharing information, learning from my readers, please! I had a hard time narrowing my focus--so just expect to hear from me about all things that make sense, to me, at least. Like ADULTS (as opposed to children) working freely and fairly. Like eating food that is real, tasty, and promotes not deteriorates health. Like loving and living for the One who created me. Just to name a few.
So, welcome, and please, come back often!