Hatin' the Boilerplatin'

I have to say, "amen and amen" to this article by Richard Bernstein. I didn't even donate any money to the campaign and I've been "offered" a coffee mug, a t-shirt, and a stocking cap. Let's give the solicitations a rest.

Then again, a portent of things to come?


Tammy said…
Love the "nuggets" you find out there to read and share-thanks!

We can SELL anything, right?
ninepoundhammer said…
The Cult of Personality has officially reached critical mass (Elvis, are you listening?).

And five points for the proper use of 'portent.'
ninepoundhammer said…
The Cult of Personality has officially reached critical mass (Elvis, are you listening?).

It's also creepy that the authorisation code for me to post my comments is 'bracc.' (Say it phonetically and it eerily fits nicely with the article.)

And five points for the proper use of 'portent.'

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